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2019-2020 Reviews



"Director Christopher Bremer... has assembled a fine cast, each throwing themselves full force into this powerful, entertaining and moving musical." Encore MI. Read More

"The minimal set lets the viewer use his imagination and concentrate on the characters and the developing story."
The Detroit Jewish News. REad more


On Golden Pond

"On Golden Pond is directed by Lynch Travis with his characteristic insight into what is tender, true and flawed in all of us. The characters in this play are fully realized human beings, breathed to life by a dream-team cast of veterans"
Encore MI. REad more


Ain't Misbehavin'

"These actors are super tight in their connection to one another, in a good way. Open just a week, they perform as if they have been doing this show for a year. Directed and cast by Harold Jurkiewicz, the show was destined to be great after the auditions concluded."
Encore MI. Read More


Odd Couple

"Neil Simon has lent his considerable talents to launch the new era, and the JET is flying high again."
Encore MI. Read More

2018-2019 Reviews


Lady Day

" As a performer, Billie Holiday at her worst was probably better than most other singers at their best, and Lauren LaStrada brings that talent to life with deft and flair... Waddles, who is also the show’s musical director, is the perfect foil to LaStrada’s uninhibited persona." 
The Detroit Jewish News. Read more


Casa Valentina

"Jewish Ensemble Theatre's 'Casa Valentina' ponders the politics of cross-dressing." 
Detroit free press. Read more

"Casa Valentina is a triumph of heart and humanity."
Encore MI. Read More

"'Lady day' is a must see at the jet."
Encore MI. Read More


Hard Love

"Inga R. Wilson and Drew Palmer play the clashing couple. They are intelligent, likable performers."
Detroit Free Press. Read more

American Buffalo_3013.jpg

American Buffalo

"The JET production now being staged is a perfect opportunity to see how it’s done." Encore MI. Read more

"Ramsay-Detherage keeps things moving at a good pace, and the actors are first-rate and completely believable as they struggle to reconcile their feelings with their beliefs. " Detroit Jewish News. Read more

"Darkly funny and still timely, “American Buffalo” remains an innovative play that established new rules for the ways characters talk to one another onstage." 
Detroit Free Press. Read more

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